relaxing in the pool

Could Your Pool be the Solution to Your Stress?

Whether it’s work, the kids, school, or pesky neighbors contributing to your stress, it happens to everyone. It can be hard to unwind after busy days, but not taking the time to relax can take a toll on your overall health and mental wellbeing. It’s important to set aside the time to do the things you love and to find healthy ways to help you release some stress after a busy week. Could jumping in the pool be a solution to your stress? A recent study conducted by the world’s leading swimwear brand, Speedo, found that swimming helps to relieve stress, boost confidence, and leaves swimmers feeling mentally refreshed.

This particular study surveyed a global panel of competitive and leisure swimmers from 16 – 45 years old about the psychological benefits of regular swimming. The results showed that 74% of swimmers agreed that swimming helps to relieve stress and tension, making it the perfect activity after a long day. Swimming also helps boost confidence, with 68% of those surveyed reporting that being in the water helps them to feel good about themselves. Additionally, 70% reported that swimming helps them to feel mentally refreshed. Thanks to its cardiovascular benefits and low impact, swimming is a great way for all ages to stay active and fit while also positively impacting mental health.

As your Melbourne pool company, we know that taking a dip in the pool is a fun and healthy way to unwind. All ages can benefit from jumping in and exercising the mind and body. At Aqua Blue Pools, we want you to be healthy and happy, which is why we love to construct backyard vacations for Brevard families to enjoy for years. With well over 6,000 pool installations under our belts, we have the experience and passion to help you create the backyard vacation of your dreams. Contact us to schedule your free consultation!